Locations for Sex
You're with your significant other, in bed, and doing what you usually do in bed when you're not sleeping. But, there's something wrong. You thrust (yawn). You grab (sigh). You lick (boooooring!) What's going on? Is the same old sex in the same old bed putting you into a coma?
There IS a solution! You don’t have to suffer dull intimate relations. One of the easiest ways to spice up the physical side of your romance is to switch locations.
Sex, like a novel, consists of characters, plot, and location. If you're not switching partners, or improving your technique, you're left with changing the locale. But don't be intimidated! You can start slow.
There are an infinite number of positions one can try in any given location. It's up to each couple to decide what's best for themselves. Each couple is like a snowflake, no two are physically the same.